
Borzoi Inu

Borzoi Inu Bite the Moon

Borzoi Inu – $BORZ, The First of His Kind, The Ruler of Treats, The Long Snout King – born on Jan 23rd 2023 on the Binance Smart Chain, also known as Wolfgang the Borzoi, has rapidly become a beloved figure in the crypto world. With his snout stretching across 3 chains ; Solana, Binance Smart Chain & Grove Chain.

Long Snout Watch is his ultimate goal, a platform that will revolutionize the way in which old and new crypto projects are monitored for price and safety. With the power to protect new investors in the crypto universe, Long Snout Watch will be the ultimate weapon against fraudulent schemes and bad actors.

As Wolfgang’s snout stretches across more chains and platforms, he remains focused the foretold prophecy.

He will bite the moon.